Using Assessment Tests and Tools to Find the Right Career

Lawyer Career Consulting DC uses the most advanced assessment tests and tools to help lawyers find a new career that suits their temperament, interests and personality.

To assist your search for a new career, Lawyer Career Consulting DC will give you the opportunity to take one or more of five vocational tests, and offer several thinking tools:

Most Useful for the Most Unhappy: If you are fundamentally disenchanted with law and considering a radical career change, the tests provide valuable information on how your interests and attributes would align with a new profession.

  • Essential for the "Seriously Lost" Lawyers: The tests may be most useful to you if your interests are somewhat undefined, you are fundamentally ill-suited to law, and you have not yet identified a realistic alternative to practicing law.
  • The "Strong Interest Inventory": One of the most useful tests is the "Strong Interest Inventory," which ranks different professions according to their alignment with your interests.
  • Myers-Briggs: The "Myers-Briggs Type Inventory" (MBTI) will assess your in-born personality (or "temperament"). The MBTI measuring tool is also used to conduct law firm training sessions.
  • Other Tests Offered: The "16 Personality Factors" (16PF) assessment, the "Self-Directed Search" (SDS), and the "Fundamental Interpersonal Relations Orientation-Behavior" (FIRO-B) instrument may also help you measure dimensions of your personality relevant to a career decision.
  • Don’t Bother to Test AbilitiesLawyer Career Consulting DC will not recommend expensive testing for abilities, such as the "Johnson-O’Connor Abilities Batteries." Your abilities will be revealed in your interests: You are probably able to do those things that you like to do; otherwise, you would not like to do them.
  • Do The Tests On Your Own Time: If you choose to take any one or more of the tests, you will do them on your own time and return then to Lawyer Career Consulting DC, which will analyze and interpret the results for you in a subsequent session.
  • "Thinking" Assigments: In conjunction with vocational tests, you will be offered "thinking assignments" to perform between sessions, to help you advance your thinking and inform your decision.

Finding a new career is a guided, collaborative and intuitive process, drawing on research into your life experience, data gathered from tests, your own self-reflection, and the multi-disciplinary experience of a highly trained career consultant.

“The search for a new career uses the best available tests and tools.”